April 3rd, 1985

Japanese Letter Text:

週かん 読売と サンデー 毎日の へんしゅう部 え
わしら ゆうたことは かならず やる
まえ 手記 かく ゆうたから かいた
読売の あんちゃん ぇぇ男ゃけど あふりかえ 金おくらへん
毎日にも おくったる
わしら なんか うごいたらな けいさつ さびしゅうて
この 手記みて もお1ど べんきょう しょったら ええ
ぜににも ならん 本部長 さろたりせえへん
よしのも しかたも あんしん せえや


手記 2

丸大の 手記 おくれて しもた
わしら あまし かきとお ないんや
丸大の CM ええや ないか
わんぱくでもええ ゆう CM 男らしゅうて ええで
せやけど わしら 手記 かく ゆうて しもた
ゆうたら かかな ならん
わしらの まね するもんにも とおしろ やったら でけヘんの
おしえたらな ならん
わしら 犯ざいぼお止に きょおカ したっとるんやで
長官しよう でも もらいたいわ
丸大 なんで いびったか
あの会社 ちっこい 店が ごつうなった だけの 会社や
大阪商人の そんとくかんじょう でける はずや
えらいさんに わかいもん おおい
きょおびの わかいもん こんじょ なしや
ちょっと びびったったら 金 だすやろ
ゎしら けえかく つくった
けいさつの あほども でてきよっても ええ よぉに わしが かんがえた
6月28日 ごご8じすぎ タカツキの 太田常むの ぅち ぇ TEL した
ナカマAが 東京から 女の こえで テープ ながした
Aは TEL かえて アジトの ナカマC え TELの れんらく いれた
C は むせんで タカツキ駅まえの ナカマBえ れんらく した
Bから わしえ むせんで れんらく きよった
26日の 毎日で 金だす ゆう あいず あった
丸大の ときは けいさつ しっとるか わからへん かった
わしは 5ぶ5ぶ おもぉとった
太田の うちから タカツキまで 車で 5ふん かからへん
わしらが ゆうとった 白い カローラ 20ぷんごろ きよった
2だい よこに ならんで とまりおった
みとった Bなきよった
これが 世かい1 ゆうしゅうな けいさつか ゆうて ほんまに なきよった
小がくせい でも わかるで
車から でてきよった 男 そおがんきょうで みとったら 太田と ちゃう
Bから わしえ むせんで れんらく きよった
モカモカ ニラ もって 28ぷん きえた
モカは カモや
モカ1つ やったら 太田や 2つ やったら けいさつや
けいさつ からんどったら にせさつや
ほんまの さつでも わしらに わたす はず あらへん
ほんまの さつやったら ネギ にせもん やったら ニラや
きえ た は えき え はいった ゆう いみや
Bは わしに れんらく して アジトえ かえった
けいさつ きつねめの男 ゆうとるけど あれ うそや
東京から えらいさん きよったとき なんも わかりまへんねん ゆえへん
てきとおに つくりよったんや
まじ× きつねめ さがしとる ポリ公 きのどくや
わしは 山崎の ナカマDえ れんらく した
モカモカ 2ばん ニラでも ええ リよおり してまえ
1ばんは 19ふんの国てつ 2ばんは 35ふんや
りょおり ゅうたら よていどおり とってまえ ゆうことや
にせさつでも とって 本部長え かえしたったら ないて よろこぶ やろ
Dも わしと おなしに とぉなん車 っこて 山崎で まっとる
タカツキから 山崎え むせん とどきにくい
わしが まん中に おって れんらく するんや
Dは かい中 でんとお と てっぽう もって まっとる
Dが 車 おりて せんろの EとFに でんとおで ぁいず する
EとFは ピストル もって まっとる
デカ 国てつ とめて おりて きよったら うちあいや
ふくめんパトに おわれたら てっぽう うって フロントガラス
わったったら ええ
Eが 白い はた もって まっとった
山崎まで 7ふんや
現じょう まで 2 3ふんや
8じ45ふん までに きよる
デカは うしろから 2つめの でん車に のっとる
1ばん うしろ やったら 車しょうが おる
まえやったら はた みえへん
はよから はた だしとったら 運てん手が とまりよるかもしれへん
国てつ きょった
運てん手 とおりすぎよった とき Eが ごつい 白い はた ふりよった
Fが しっかり みとった
せやけど 白い バッグ ほりおらへん
ほれるよぉに あけた まども あらへん
あめ ふつとったのに 4かしょ ちっこく まど あいとった
デカ 4人は のっとったんや
ナカマDEFは すぐ アジトえ かえる だんどり した
白い はた みょった デカ つぎの こぉたりで タカトリえ れんらく
ふくめんが さがしよったけど ややこしい とこやさかい わからへん
いつか おしえたろか
けいさつ わしら また れんらく してきよる おもっとった
わしら けいさつ すきやから あいて したらな かわいそや
けいさつの ええ くんれんに なる
2どめは 藤田の うちえ れんらく した
金は すい田の 小森の マンションに よおい させた
けいさつの あほども いろいろ かんがえおった
どこで とりひき するか
国てつが 1ばん あやしい つぎが 名しんや
駅や インターや サービスエリヤ けいかい しとった
まえ 白い はた みよった 山崎は じゅう点けいかいや
せやけど バスてい まで 手 まわらへん
ポリ公 たんと どぉ員 しょったら わしらに じょぉほお もれてまう
わしらは まえと いっしょや
7月6日 ごご8じすぎ 小森の うちぇ TELした
まえ 東京から したよって けいさつ ボックス さがすの あきらめとる
ミナミから したった
ちょっと ききにくい こえやったけど けいさつ べんきょお たらへん
かすがの バスてい さがして はいび おわるのに 40ぷん いじょう
いつも やったら 30ぷんや
9じすぎ わしらの 手紙みて 名しんえ はいりよった
名たんてい 平野の おもった とおりや
名しんには かすがの バスてい ちづで みつけたときから 手配 しとる
うけわたしは 山崎ふきんや おもいよった
わしらの ほおが 1まい うえや
山崎 バスていの 手紙で ふかくさ まで よんだった
けいさつの うごきは ナカマから むせんで れんらく してきよる
山崎 でてから 30ぷん いじょう よおけ じかん かけよった
けいさつです ゆうとんのと おなしやで
ほんま やったら 9じまえ 8じ45ふんか 50ぷんに っかなあかんのや
9じ50ぷん ごろから ふかくさ バスていの まわりを めっきの
わるいもんが ウロウロ はぢめおった
道ろの まん中で ちづ ひらいとんのは ましなほおや
男2人 車にのって くらい とこで まっとるあほも おった
そうゆう ときは みどりのよぉな 婦けいを つかわな あかんのや
バスてい したの 公えんで ナカマ 3人 てっぽうと ピストルで
にせさつ とったろ おもとった
本部長え ええ プレゼントや
せやけど ながいこと またされて わしらの ナカマ やる気 のおなって
せっかく くんれん したっとんのに けいさつ しんぼ せえへん
わしも あほらしゆう なって DEF え ゆうたった
夫婦げんかや はよ かえれ
あほな けいさつの えさ 犬も くわんで
わしら つぎ なにやるか 金沢くん わかったかね
川内はんが ほめとったで きばってや
わしらの まね しよう おもっとるもんは わしらと おなし 員乃
あわせて やるんやで

English Translation:

Dear Editors of Weekly Yomiuri, Sunday, and Mainichi.

We do everything that we say we are going to do.

I said that I was going to write a memoir, so I wrote it.

The guy at Yomiuri is a handsome man, but he won’t send money to Africa.

We’ll send it to Mainichi as well.

If we do something I’m sure the police will be really sad.

You should read this memoir and study again.

We won’t try to abduct the chief of directors, it’s not worth it.

Yoshino and Shikata, you don’t have to worry anymore.

Monster with 21 faces.

Memoir 2

Our memoir for Marudai is late, we don’t really want to write it.

The ad for Marudai looks good, talking about how it’s okay to be wild, very manly. I like it.

But we said we would write a memoir so now we have to write one.

We’re basically cooperating with you to not have other crimes like this, since we’re the only one’s able to pull such a stunt. I deserve a prize for doing this.

We bullied Marudai because it’s just a small company that became big. I’m sure they know what’s beneficial and not beneficial for them.

There are a lot of young people in positions of power. These young ones just don’t have guts. If we scare them a little, they’ll give us money.

We made a plan. I made the plan so that even if the police get involved, we could do it.

We called the house of Ota at Takatsuki past 8pm on the 28th of June.

One of my people, let’s call him A, played a tape with a female’s voice from Tokyo. A then called another one of my people, let’s call him C, who was at out hideout spot. C used a radio to contact another one of my people, let’s call him B, who was waiting in front of Takatsuki station. Then B contacted me through radio.

There was a signal that they’d give us the money using the ad on the 26th in Mainichi.

For Marudai’s case, I wasn’t sure if the police knew about it. It was a 50:50 chance in my opinion.

From Ota’s house to Takatsuki, it doesn’t take over 5 minutes by car. The white corolla we told them to use came around 20 minutes past the hour. Two cars stopped side by side. B who was watching this started crying, because he felt stupid that this was what the best police of the world was doing. Even an elementary school student would know that it was the police.

When we looked at the man that came out of the car with our binoculars, it wasn’t Ota. B contacted me through radio. He said "Moca Moca, Holds Nira and disappears at minute 28."

If there was one Moca it was Ota, if there were two Mocas it was the police. If the police are involved the money is fake. Even if it was real, there’s no way they’d hand it to us.

If it was real money we would have said Negi, if it was fake we would have said Nira.

Disappears meant that they entered the station. B contacted me and left to go back to our hideout spot.

The police keep saying "the man with eyes like a fox" but that’s a complete lie.

They couldn’t tell the big guys from Tokyo that they had no idea, so they just made it up.

I feel sorry for the police men who are actually looking for someone with "eyes like a fox."

I contacted another one of my people, let’s call him D, who was in Yamazaki.

"Moca Moca, number two. It’s fine even if it’s Nira let’s just cook it."

Number 1 would have meant the Japanese National Railway at minute 19, and number 2 was the one at minute 35. Cook it meant to take it as planned. Even if it’s fake money, if we take it and give it back to the chief of directors, he’d cry tears of joy.

D is using a stolen car like mine and waiting in Yamazaki. It’s hard for the radio to reach from Takatsuki to Yamazaki, so I was in the middle and contacted them.

D had a flashlight and a gun on him, D would get out of the car and signal to E and F who were on the train tracks, using the flashlight. E and F both had guns on them too.

Once the police come off the train, they’re going to start shooting each other. If there was a unmarked patrol car after them, they should just shoot the windshield and break it.

E had a white flag ready. It takes 7 minutes until Yamazaki, 2 or 3 minutes from then.

They’ll be there by 8:45. The police is on the second to last cart on the train. He can’t be on the last one because then the conductor would see him, and if he was on one of the front carts, he wouldn’t be able to see the flag. If he raises the flag too soon, the driver might stop the train.

The train came, the driver passed by and at the same moment E started to wave his huge flag. F watched very closely. But there are no white bags being thrown out the window, there’s not even a window open to throw the bag out.

Even though it was raining, there were 4 spots where the windows were slightly open, there were at least 4 police men on that train.

My people, D, E, and F started to prepare to go back to the hideout spot. The police that saw the white flag, contacted Takatori. The unmarked car was trying to find them but, it was such a hard location to find, they couldn’t find it. I’ll tell them how to get there some day.

The police thought that we’d contact them again. We like the police, so we feel bad to just leave them hanging. It would be good practice for them.

The second time we contacted Fujita’s house. We made them have the money ready in Komori’s apartment in Suita. The dumb police tried to think as hard as they could about where we’d have the deal. They thought the National Railway would be the most likely spot but they also looked at the possibilities of Meishin, train stations, interchanges, and service areas.

They were especially cautious about Yamazaki, where they saw the white flag. But they didn’t think about bus stops. If they have too many police officers working on the case, we would know what was happening, but the number of people we have stayed the same.

We called Komori’s house past 8pm on the 6th of July. We used a voice that was a little hard to hear but, the police don’t have enough training. It took them 40 minutes to find the bus stop in Kasuga and have people ready there. It would usually take 30 minutes.

A little past 9, they entered Meishin after seeing our letter. It’s exactly what the great detective, Hirano, thought.

They put people on Meishin from the moment they saw it on the map of the bus stop at Kasuga. They assumed that the money would be transferred around Yamazaki. But we’re better than that. We know exactly the moves that the police are making and are getting messages through the radio.

Once they left Yamazaki, it took them an extra 30minutes than necessary, that’s like saying that "We are the police." They should have been there before 9, maybe 8:45 or 8:50, but we started seeing people looking around Fukakusa bus stop around 9:50.

The guys looking at maps in the middle of the streets are the better ones, there were dumb ones who were waiting in a car, just the two guys, in a dark spot. If you’re going to do that, use a female police officer to make it more believable.

[[I say "Dark", It's actually "Park".]]

Three of my people were waiting in the park beneath the bus stop with guns. They were planning on taking the fake money from them, it would be a nice gift to the chief of directors.

But they were waiting for so long that they contacted me saying that they didn’t have the will to do it anymore. We’re trying to train the police, but they just won’t get better.

I got bored too so I contacted D, E, and F saying, "There’s a fight between a husband and wife, come back quick."

The police are so dumb, no one would believe it.

Kanazawa, you know what we’re going to do next right?

Kawauchi was really proud of you, so do your best.

People who are trying to copy what we are doing, you need to use the same number of people that we are using alright?

Monster with 21 faces.
