October 15th, 1984
Japanese Letter Text:
警さつちょうの すずき え
わしら あんたに わるい おもうとる
わしらの せいで かみの毛 えろう うすう なったな
まわりの もんも まぶしゅうて かなわんやろ
毛のはえる くすりの かわりに また ヒント おしえたる
森永の かし ぎふ県で こうた
おまえらでも 探せば わかるやろ
パンライターは 盗品や
さがすだけ むだや
コピーの きかいは さがせるやろ
さがせても わしらの こと わからへんで
かしは きんじょの がきに おかせた
がきは こづかい ちょっと やれば うごくもんや
西友の こうよう台と 川西と かつらは わしらが おいた
わしら うらみは わすれへん
青さんソーダ なんぼでも あるで
NHK に プレゼント したった
よお 見ときや
NHK に おくった 青さんソーダで なん人 殺せる
かいとうを おくってきた もんの なかから ちゅうせんで
10人に 青さんいり 森永せい品を おくります
刑死ちょう そうむ部きかく課長
English Translation:
To Suzuki from the National Police
I feel sorry for you. You lost a lot of hair because of us right? People complain because your head causes a lot of glare now. Instead of giving you medicine for baldness I will give you a hint. We bought Morinaga sweets in Gifu prefecture. You can find that out. We stole the typewriter. It’s pointless to search for it. You can find the copy machine right? Even if you find it, you won’t understand anything about us.
We let neighborhood kids, deliver the candies. If you give children some money, they will do it. We left them in Seiyuu in Koyodai, Kawanichi and Katsura. We don’t forget grudges. We have an unlimited amount of acid.
We gave a present to NHK.
Take a good look
I wonder how many people we can kill with the acid that we sent to the NHK. We will send a present to 10 people who answer that question and we will select them in a lottery.
Present is a Morinaga product with acid.
On October 15th 1984 a letter arrives at Mainichi, Sankei, Asahi and NHKs Osaka Station.
The sender was listed on the envelope as "The Monster with 21 Faces" and was postmarked in Osaka South 2 days prior between noon and 6 pm. A 60 yen stamp was affixed.
In the letter to NHK are 30 pills, amounting to 34g of cyanide.