For over 35 years “The Monster with 21 Faces” has haunted Japan, long after its arrival in March 1984 and disappearance in August 1985.

In what is known as the “Glico-Morinaga” case the criminal gang commited: Attempted Murder, Kidnapping for Ransom, Burglary Injury, Non-Residential Building Arson, Attempted Extortion and many Postal Law Violations.

They were never caught .

Listen to “The Monster with 21 Faces” now to hear the full story like never before. Featuring over 50 threatening letters from the criminals themselves this podcast dives deeper into the the Monster With 21 Faces than ever before, cracking the case wide open.

Subscribe to the RSS feed on all major podcast players. Search for “The Monster with 21 Faces” and explore this site for the largest video and photo archive of the Glico-Morinaga case on the internet.